Corporativo SIALCON, SC, is a Firm of professionals that has a highly qualified staff in different technical activities related to the profession, the staff is updated through studies and training, with the aim of providing a first quality service within the following areas:
- Finance Consulting
- Tax Consulting
- Audit
- Policy and Procedural Manuals
- Accounting
Division of Audit, Finance and Accounting Consulting
This area is basically devoted to carry out audits and to give consulting in accounting and finance issues. It has a Senior Partner who is supported by a staff who has professional experience in audits.
Besides offering tax counseling, we are also specialized in offering enterprise and individual fiscal planning. We develop special works of fiscal nature and we negotiate special fiscal issues before the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público)
Approach of our services and the service to the clients
Our Firm pays special attention to the concept of knowing the client's business with the aim of offering a better service to it.
When we are chosen as your consultants we form a team devoted to serve the client with the aim of duly analyzing its operations and to be able to provide you with all the services of our specialty. Said team is coordinated by a Senior Partner, who will have a closed contact with the correspondent level in the Company's Management.